Pakistani Flag


sovereignty. It was developed and accepted by Pakistan's Constituent Assembly in 1947, only two days before the country gained independence from British colonial authority.

The Pakistani flag is a rectangular flag with green on one half and white on the other. The green color signifies Pakistan's Muslim majority and is connected with Islam, the country's leading religion. The color white denotes peace, prosperity, and purity, and it is linked with Pakistan's religious minority populations, which include Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs.

A vertical white band divides the flag's green color into two equal halves, representing religious peace and togetherness among Pakistan's many groups. The stripe also represents the country's dedication to the values of democracy, fairness, and equality.

The Pakistani flag has a 2:3 ratio, which means it is two units wide and three units long. The flag's green is deeper and has a shade of #138808, whilst the white is pure and has a shade of #FFFFFF.

Ameer-ud-Din Khidwai, a Karachi-based artist, designed the flag after winning a national competition. His design was picked from among 2000 submissions and overwhelmingly accepted by Pakistan's Constituent Assembly.

On national holidays, the Pakistani flag is flown at all government buildings, Pakistani embassies, and consulates. On major occasions, such as Independence Day, Republic Day, and Pakistan Day, it is also elevated. The flag is a symbol of national pride and solidarity in Pakistan, and it is greatly appreciated and adored by the people.

Finally, the Pakistani flag is a significant national emblem that symbolizes the country's identity, independence, and sovereignty. Its architecture emphasizes the country's dedication to democracy, justice, equality, and religious tolerance. The flag is an important element of Pakistan's cultural legacy, and the people of Pakistan appreciate it.

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